Friulani La Delizia white wines: The land, the air and the spirit of Friuli

Credit: Friulani La Delizia
By special promotion

Viticoltori Friulani La Delizia currently represents the main wine-producing facility in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, pairing over 450 wine growers with 2.000 hectares of vineyards that spread just in the heart of the region over the Friulian plains, from Casarsa della Delizia to Aquileia, within the well-known "Friuli Grave" and "Prosecco" DOC areas. These areas are rich in history and have a strong wine-growing tradition that allows producing wines with a strong identity and character, successfully exported to the main foreign Countries.

Credit: Friulani La Delizia
Credit: Friulani La Delizia

The story of Viticoltori Friulani La Delizia is a forward-looking, passionate story based on commitment and tradition. The Cooperative was founded on 7 May 1931 by its first 70 founding members, who decided to work together to create a large partnership, signing the deed of incorporation for the former Cantina Sociale Cooperativa Destra Tagliamento. The Friulian Cantina Cooperativa overcame the difficult period of WWII with tenacity. In 1945, the shareholders had to rebuild it completely and, at the end of the 1950s, expand it, building a large hall to house the bottling facilities, which were automated in the 60s and totally renovated in 2013.

Credit: Friulani La Delizia
Credit: Friulani La Delizia

Exports became key in 1970. Vini La Delizia invested a lot in those years and took the first steps toward the international markets, gaining another area of focus in the 1990s thanks to exports to the Western European markets in addition to Canada and the United States. The 1980s were essential for the winery’s expansion that, although it occurred during a national recession resulting in uncertainty in the wine sector, saw Vini La Delizia on the forefront of implementing long-term investments. In fact, in 1981, the purchase of the new sparkling wine facilities significantly contributed to provide a new driving force for production, meeting the numerous market demands in those years.

The vineyards of Vini La Delizia enjoy the favorable mild climate influenced by the sea and sheltered from cold Northern winds by the surroundings mountains. The soil of alluvial origin ensures a marked temperature range enhancing fine fragrances and a rich aromas bouquet of the grapes.

Credit: Friulani La Delizia
Credit: Friulani La Delizia

White Wines

Several are the varieties of grapes cultivated which give rise to very appreciated single varietal wines. Vini La Delizia has a strong vocation in the production of white and sparkling wines, a point of strength since over 30 years. The grapes are selected directly at the vineyards, in the respect of the utmost care and precision required by our wine experts. It follows a careful process of winemaking and ageing. The wine is then bottled with sophisticated and modern technologies. Among the whitewines there are Pinot Grigio, Pinot Bianco, Chardonnay, Sauvignon and the Friulano, produced from native grapes of Friuli region.

La Delizia wines will bring on your tables the land, the air and the spirit of Friuli.

Translated by ICY

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