Barbaresco 2016 & Riserva 2014: Latest releases

Image: Produttori del Barbaresco

Very warm weather in early September and October fully ripened the grapes, which remained healthy. Structured, balanced wines of finesse and freshness. Worth waiting for.


After a mild and mostly dry winter, the spring of 2016 was rainier but cool temperatures kept disease at bay.

It also slowed down the maturation cycle, and moderate summer temperatures didn’t allow the vines to speed up their growth. September and early October were warm and dry and enabled the Nebbiolo grapes to ripen fully.

Overall it was a cooler summer than in 2015, and while the grapes did not lack ripeness, they could be picked in perfect conditions. There was more acidity than in 2015 so the wines are structured and balanced, with lower alcohol than the previous vintage.

Anna Lisa Nada of the Ada Nada estate summarised: ‘There was sufficient rain to keep the vines balanced and healthy. Because there was no extreme heat, there was no pressure to harvest early and picking the grapes took place in fine weather, resulting in elegant wines.’

There’s an invigorating freshness to the 2016 Barbarescos. They are not massive or overbearing but they have an intensity and verve reminiscent of 2010 in the best cases. And while the 2016s may not have the weight of the 2015s, they show more finesse.

Translated by Sylvia Wu / 吴嘉溦

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